Saliba pictures

CLIENT: Saliba Pictures


CATEGORY: Doing things differently

SCOPE: Brand Identity

Formerly known as Paperless Films, Saliba Pictures is a film production studio based in Geelong. The team came to me really wanting to solidify their presence as a company dedicated to cultivating a community of local, skilled screen industry professionals, to establish Geelong as a premier film destination.

I worked with the team to bring their vision to life with all of the Old Hollywood vintage film vibes to help them stand out in the industry, and to ensure we could perfectly communicate their core values of integrity, excellence and creative collaboration.


How is this different?

It’s not often you see brands really whole-heartedly embrace their roots and where they came from — like TRULY embrace it. Saliba Pictures really wanted to reflect the origin of film itself, and so many pivotal moments that occurred in Old Hollywood that make the world of film what it is today. Husband and wife team Erin & Like really wanted to go all-in on the Old Hollywood vintage film vibes to really create that nostalgia and feeling of instant familiarity. We didn’t just half-ass it. We truly had to go big or go home.


Lift Club


Status 8020